keto diet foods : A simple but (complete) guide for beginner

keto diet foods : A simple but (complete) guide for beginner

keto diet foods : A simple but (complete) guide for beginner

keto diet foods

If you want to start ketogenic diet, then you are in the right place. In this article you will know about foods list for ketogenic diet.

Different Studies have found that this very low carb, high-fat diet is beneficial for weight loss, diabetes, and also for epilepsy.

A ketogenic diet usually limits carbs to 20 to 50 grams per day. It is challenging, but many nutritious foods can easily fit into a keto diet plan.

following are some healthy foods to include in your ketogenic diet plan.
Seafood in keto diet foods
Fish and shellfish are keto-friendly foods. Salmon and other fish contain B vitamins, potassium, and selenium, almost carb-free.

Also, the carbs contain varied in different types of shellfish. For example, while shrimp and most other contain no carbs, and other types of shellfish do .

also you can include these shellfish on your ketogenic diet, but it’s important to account for these carbs when you’re trying to stay within a limited range.

Following are the carb counts for 3.5-ounce, i.e.100-gram servings of some famous shellfish

1. clams: 4 grams

2. mussels: 4 grams

3. octopus: 4 grams

4. oysters: 3 grams

squid: 3 grams

Salmon, sardines, mackerel, and other fatty fish contain high omega-3 fats. It is helpful for over weighted people to lower insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity .

Also, frequent fish eating helps to a decrease risk of disease and improved cognitive health .

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