


An artist at heart, Jayme, 66 y/o, lives in San Francisco and still loves the city although it has changed much since she had moved here in the 80s.

When I saw Jayme on Market Street, I approached to ask for directions and she was very friendly and helpful. We ended up talking at length about murals in the city. She even showed me a few she had photographed with her smartphone and told me where to find them.

"It’s never too late to re-invent yourself," Jayme said when I asked whether she’d have a message to the project.
"Know yourself. Be true to yourself. It’s never too late to change."

"What advice would you give your younger self?"
"Don’t define yourself by the opinions of other people."

"Any challenge or struggle in your life, now or in the past?"
"I have always been very overweight. Recently lost over 100 lbs on a keto diet."

Jayme’s hobby is anything creative whether it’s writing, graphic design, or just doodles.

Thanks so much, dear Jayme, it was really a pleasure to meet you.

This is my 629th submission to The Human Family group.
Visit the group here to see more portraits and stories: The Human Family

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