Good timing. My best ketone and blood glucose readings to date. Feeling very confident in tomorrow’s 30+ mile race across the dessert tomorrow. Wish me luck. I’m only taking in 100 calories an hour during the race to keep the belly happy. #ketogenic #ketones #ketosis #fatadapted #lowcarb #ultrarunning
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4 Comments on Instagram:
mikemccorgary: See you at the finish tomorrow!
fermentedfoodguy: Are you racing tomorrow?
mzlynzi: I need some advice. I’ve been doing KETO for 2.5 months now and I’m super strict about my macros and how I get my nutrition but I can’t get past 1.5 on my ketone strip. What am I doing wrong? My macros 75 fat, 15 p, 10% net carb. I have had two days that you could consider a cheat but it wasn’t sugar it was just extra calories from protein not fat. I’m getting frustrated. I drink about a gallon today too. Help! Should I get a glycometer?
fermentedfoodguy: Are you measuring blood ketones or urine? What is your goal? 1.5 seems like a pretty good place to be. I don’t know if it makes much difference to be at a ketone level of 3.0. Are you exercising too?