día catorce (3 June)

día catorce (3 June)

día catorce (3 June)

A bit of a slow day today, but I think that’s how Saturdays are in most of the world. Slept late, ate brunch, and took the bus to the grocery store to buy food for the coming week. I now own three different kinds of beans, all sitting next to each other in white and green cans on my shelf in the kitchen. Very intense. I also broke down and bought a box of cookies — I haven’t been eating much sugar since I’ve been here, but I really miss having something sweet to eat at the end of the meal. I’m planning to make this bag last two full weeks; we’ll see if that happens. I’m still not used to how fast storms come on here in Ann Arbor. They always seem to roll in from the west, always a layer of big, fat, billowing black clouds followed by just a plain sheet of grey indistinguishability covering up the sun. Ten minutes later, the sky is blue again. This is a picture of my house just before sunset, at the tail end of one of those storm. It’s a decently nice place, especially for what I’m paying for it, but the street in front is a lot busier than I had hoped — in five minutes, this was just about the only photo I got that without a car whizzing by in the foreground.

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