Granby Road, Bakewell - spire - Church of All Saints

Granby Road, Bakewell – spire – Church of All Saints

Granby Road, Bakewell - spire - Church of All Saints

Passage off Granby Road in Bakewell. With a cafe.

Spire seen from the passage. From the Church of All Saints (I would see it again close up as we headed to the Old House Museum).

Grade I listed.

Church of All Saints, Bakewell


831-1/4/166 (North side)
13/03/51 Church of All Saints


Church, originally of collegiate status. C12 and C13 possibly
incorporating some Saxon masonry; C14 and C15 additions; tower
and transepts rebuilt 1841-52 by William Flockton of Sheffield
who replicated the medieval design; nave arcades replaced 1852
by Weightman and Hadfield of Sheffield; chancel restored
1879-82 by Gilbert Scott the younger. North vestry 1897; most
roofs C20.
MATERIALS: ashlar sandstone; lead roofs.
PLAN: cruciform plan having south porch to 4-bay aisled nave,
3-bay south transept with chapel in east aisle, 3-bay chancel
and one-bay north transept adjoined by low north vestry.
Embattled throughout.
EXTERIOR: nave: offset buttresses flank C12 west door with 2
orders of colonnettes, beakhead ornament and saltire crosses;
fragmentary blind arcading above has chevrons. C15 3-light
west window having C19 Geometrical tracery and hoodmould. C15
south porch with diagonal buttresses, double-chamfered arch
and hoodmould beneath niche; C18 oval sundial to right.
Unrestored C13 inner door with dogtooth ornament. Restored C13
north door.
Perpendicular clerestory lit by square-headed 2- and 3-light
windows; arms of Vernon and Pype on south parapet; insignia of
Thomas Haywood to north.
South transept: moulded plinth, angle buttresses with offsets
and gablets with fleur-de-lys. 2 south doors with clustered
colonnettes beneath cusped roundel and embellished pointed
arch. 4-light window over has Geometrical tracery; outer
shafts rise from carved heads; hoodmould returns as a string
course; octagonal corner pinnacles.
West side with pilaster buttresses and lancets with
hoodmoulds; carved string course beneath 3 trefoils. Lean-to
east chapel with more elaborate buttresses and Decorated
tracery to 3-light windows with hoodmoulds.
North transept: Perpendicular 3-light window to east; 3-light
window to north with Geometrical tracery; gable cross. Vestry:
diagonal buttresses and central north buttress; square-headed
windows of 2 and 3 lights having cusped ogee heads.
Tower: octagonal belfry has string course beneath louvred
2-light openings; moulded oversailing course with gargoyles
beneath embattled parapet behind which rises the octagonal

spire with weather-vane.
Chancel: buttresses between bays, to the angles and to centre
of east end. South-west window obscured by east chapel of
south transept. Priest’s door with 2-centred arch, colonnettes
and hoodmould. String course with gargoyles; cross to east
parapet. Restored C13 Y-tracery windows to the chancel and
nave aisles.
INTERIOR: C12 round arches to short west bay of nave, also
similar blind arches in the west walls of the aisles; some
walling above the arches may be Saxon. Remaining aisle arcades
of 1852 with round piers, octagonal capitals and
cavetto-moulded arches.
Crossing: restored 1841-43 with tall arches having filleted
shafts and colonnettes; ribbed vault. South transept (known as
the Newark) c1220-1240 rebuilt 1841-52: arcade to Vernon
Chapel with quatrefoiled piers having shafts in the diagonals;
deeply-moulded arches.
Chancel: late C13 sedilia and double piscina under linked
hoodmoulds. Windows have nook shafts and rere arches. Mosaic
floor of c1880. C14 octagonal font with cusped arches over
whole figures.
Near the font are parts of 3 medieval misericords; Royal Arms
of Charles II dated 1678 and an early C19 board listing church
FITTINGS: stone pulpit. Brass eagle lectern. Altar and reredos
in north transept by Sir Ninian Comper. Chancel woodwork of
1879-82 incorporates some medieval fragments. Canopied choir
stalls; misericords and carved panels in niches adjoining the
screen. Altarpiece with Crucifixion, woodcarving by Kuchemann
of Battersea, 1882. Screen to Vernon Chapel C14 modified C17.
Organ by Brindley and Foster of Sheffield 1883; resited and
enlarged 1954, rebuilt 1989. Newark screen of 1983. In the
north aisle a C15 oak parish chest and a Church Warden’s Safe
of 1814.
MONUMENTS: of particular note the small alabaster wall
monument to Sir Godfrey Foljambe and wife c1377 (east end of
south aisle). Vernon Chapel: to Sir Thomas Wendesley d.1403
lying in armour on a later base.
Small alabaster tomb-chest to John Vernon, d.1477.
Polychromatic tomb chest to Sir George Vernon, d.1567, with 2
Standing wall monument to John Manners, d.1584 and wife
Dorothy Vernon; they kneel facing across a prayer desk, the
children below.
Large and more impressive standing monument to Sir George
Manners, d.1623 and wife Grace Pierrepoint d.1650 with their
children in prayer and a baby in swaddling clothes.
Various plaques on west wall of south transept include several

C17 brasses; the most elaborate to William Savile, d.1658,
‘Steward to the Earle of Rutland’.
Various wall monuments in the chancel.
STAINED GLASS: north aisle window of 1893 by Henry Holiday;
another by Kempe. Chancel east window of 1892. North transept
window of 1881 by Hardman. Resurrection window in Vernon
Chapel, 1859 also by Hardman. South porch contains a
remarkable and very important collection of Anglo-Saxon,
Norman and early medieval fragments discovered during the
major works of the mid C19; other fragments against west wall
of north aisle.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N: Derbyshire:
Harmondsworth: 1986-: 71-74; Knighton L: Bakewell Church
(Guide): 1985-).

Listing NGR: SK2155668483

This text is a legacy record and has not been updated since the building was originally listed. Details of the building may have changed in the intervening time. You should not rely on this listing as an accurate description of the building.

Source: English Heritage

Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

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